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Tuesday, December 11, 2007



1978年,皇冠大使傅後坚在大学毕业後不久加入安利事业。当时他的保荐人将他介绍给上上线-马来西亚牙医公会理事长 Gerald De Silva。在Gerald 的豪宅里,这个在社会上令人尊敬的人物,竟然愿意和这位年轻人长谈。

席间Gerald 除了详细分析安利的价值与远景外,也对傅後坚先生的成功和努力寄予无限的期许。Gerald 在会谈结束後还亲自送他出门,这种令人印象深刻的会面,让傅後坚先生体会到安利事业对人性尊重和肯定的企业精神,以及安利事业激发人性潜能,给予任何人发展机会的神髓。

有了安利事业的绝佳机会,再加上三钻石直系直销商 Gerald & Angela De Silva 的指导及启发,唤醒了傅後坚先生心中成功的动机和梦想,也激发出他无比的信心和潜力。




在马来西亚,他达到 [皇冠大使直系直销商]的成就,在台湾他是 [皇冠大使直系直销商],在中国大陆他也是 [皇冠大使直系直销商],在泰国他是 [双钻石直系直销商],在菲律宾他是 [珍珠直系直销商]…。




安利的产品多元化,且已经获得广大顾客的肯定。此外安利事业产品线未来是走向[健康] 与 [美] 的事业,随著科技的发达及人类生活水准的提升,[ 健康 ] 与 [ 美 ] 是人性的共同需求,当[ 健康 ] 与 [ 美 ]的市场愈来愈大,而安利又执这两大产品线世界品牌的牛耳地位时,安利事业的远景无可限量。


近来 [网路公司] 泡沫化是因为这些公司没有 [实体产品] 提供给顾客,也缺乏有效的 [物流系统] 来支援市场的需要。但是安利事业除了拥有 [优良的实体产品] 和 [完美的物流系统] 外,更架构了最强有力的 [人际网路] 直接与顾客作最有效的接触与服务。






傅後坚常说:[一个企业最重要的就是人才],因此他很重视教育训练。他的训练内容除了产品训练,领导能力的训练外,也强调观念态度及理念操守的训练;而他对直销网的发展策略则注重 [稳健发展的原则]。因此傅後坚的安利事业能深入每一个市场,并获得广大顾客群及直销商的认同。

[历史是人创造的],而人的未来有无限想像的空间。年轻时的傅後坚透过三钻石直系直销商 Gerald & Angela De Silva 的启发,缔造出今日国际性的安利事业。


An International Amway Business

When Crown Ambassador Foo Howe Kean first graduated from university, he wanted to own a business. He soon discovered that without capital, experience or guidance the odds were against him.

In 1978, he joined Amway because it offered an interesting business opportunity, but he did little with the opportunity. This changed when his upline Triple Diamond Direct Distributor Gerald De Silva, who was also the President of the Malaysian Dentist Association at that time, was introduced to him. Gerald saw potential and business acumen in Foo.

He also showed Foo the vision of Amway’s future business. Foo was determined to lay down the solid foundation for an expanding international business that would spread across the Asia Pacific region.

The pioneering leadership of Triple Diamond Direct Distributors Gerald & Angela De Silva’s practice of the highest standard of integrity and strict adherence to the code of ethics and rules of conduct, formed the best fundamental training for the great future leader of Amway.

Incidentally, an American Direct Distributor, Sharon Wagner had inspired Foo and Distributor leaders to conduct meetings with a more professional approach.

In less than 3 years after the first meeting with Triple Diamond Direct Distributor Gerald & Angela De Silva, Foo Howe Kean qualified as a Diamond Direct Distributor in 1980 and as an Executive Diamond Direct Distributor in 1983.

When Amway Taiwan was established in 1982, Foo started his second business there. And within, two years he qualified as a Diamond Direct Distributor in Taiwan. He also ventured into China when it was opened in 1995. He has since established a multi-national enterprise. He is a Crown Ambassador Direct Distributor in Amway Malaysia, a Crown Ambassador Direct Distributor in Amway Taiwan, a Crown Ambassador Direct Distributor in Amway China, a Double Diamond Direct Distributor in Amway Thailand, and a Pearl Direct Distributor in Amway Philippines.....


Although Crown Ambassador Foo Howe Kean has been in the Amway business for over 29 years, he is still very enthusiastic. He sees that Amway has 3 major advantages:

Product advantage:

Many of the Amway's products are well received by consumers all over the world. The ‘Nutrition & Wellness’ and ‘Beauty’ markets have strong growth potential. From these trends we can see that Amway has a bright future.

Market advantage:

Dot com companies are having a hard time now because they lack an effective distribution, plus strong one-to-one customer relations is able to have that personal touch with customers. It is a company that is trustworthy and reliable, and one which is totally committed to the Distributor partnership.

Human resource advantage:

The human resource is the most important factor in any enterprise. The Amway business provides unlimited space for people to grow, therefore it is able to attract people who want to have their own business.

The average business entity is rife with politics, and having good paper qualification is often a prerequisite to get ahead. In Amway, what you were in the past is not as important as where you want to go in the future.

Through training, new Distributors not only learn about products, but develop good ethics and leadership skills. It is all about helping them discover their own potential and empowering them to grow on their own.

‘History is created by men’. Foo hopes to inspire other people through the Amway opportunity to help them build their self-esteem, their potential and to realize their dreams. In the dawn of this new millennium, there are still many new markets. Foo encourages, ‘We write our own history. Amway business has opportunity unlimited’.

